New $3 Reward – Let Your Inner Artist Out (from my Patreon page)

Here it is.  As you can see from the two images, I had do do a lot of work to get the tiger picture into shape for being a coloring page.  I hope my patrons enjoy this.  One of my fondest Christmas memories was right after Star Wars came out and my mother got me several Star Wars coloring posters and let me have them early.  If you ever wanted to keep me quiet and manageable going into Christmas, just give me something to color or build.  Anyway, here is the write up for the new reward at my Patreon page.


“Finally done, this has been a test of my concentration to get this drawing cleaned up to something you could use as a coloring page.  I would recommend having the image printed larger so you can work the detail areas better.  Included is a copy of just the tiger part of Quiet Strength – Silent Vulnerability as a coloring guide.  Enjoy!”

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