Savage Beasts and Snapping Beats

Soooo much driving.  Lots of time to reconnect with the music that pumps blood through my veins and forms the soundtracks to my stories.  Honestly, I would probably go bonkers with all this driving, two to three hours a day, with out my new unlimited data plan and Pandora.  The last day or so has been given over to my Peter Gabriel station.  Listening now as I write this post, Bruce Springsteen “Lonesome Day”, full of emotions and hope.

Music calms this savage beast, swirling mind, and battered soul.  With a mind as active as mine, it is helpful to have something to fill up some of the processing cycles or I might go into rampancy and think myself to death.  This is one of the curses of being an internally driven person stuck in a low activity situation like driving.  Well, enough sharing for this post.


P.S.  I wanted to mention that one of the tools I plan to use to make push Jack Carson over the edge in “Lost Contact” is his over active internal dialogue and analytical nature.