The Times They are A’Changing

Manhunt: Unabomber [DVD]


Watched this yesterday and was quite saddened for all involved if this depiction is anywhere close to the facts, being not too dramatized.  I can certainly sympathize with Kaczynski and Fitzgerald as well as those harmed by the Unabomber.  What it brought to my mine and the reason for this post is that “Time does Not heal all Wounds“.

I know it is a platitude many use to help those who are grieving and/or ease the helplessness of the person saying such, but the simple hard fact is that it does not.  If the wound is festering and untreated, as in Kaczynski’s case, almost Fitzgerald’s, then it can get worse, killing the patient and possible infecting those around them.  So take time to think about all the ways people are wounded throughout a lifetime before you decide to judge them.  Also remember that not everyone has the same ability to heal; if they did, then there would not need to be so many different medicines to heal the same illnesses.